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A light on your path….

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About Clara

Clara has been studying astrology since childhood alongside her mother, who had a deep interest in astrology. At that point in time, resources were limited to books her mother could find in local bookstores. When the internet took off, astro.com became a stepping stone into a deeper study of astrology.

Astrology is typically considered “off limits” to Christians and Catholics. This held Clara back from bringing astrology to others. However, after some basic research, Clara discovered astrology was the scientific work of God’s hand’s. Many popes, monks, and saints were also astrologers.

“The heavens proclaim the glory of God; the firmament shows forth the work of his hands. One day imparts that message to the next, and night conveys that knowledge to night.” - Psalm 19:1

Astrology shines a light on our experiences in life, based on the position of the stars and luminaries God created and placed in the sky.

Psalm 119:105 states, God’s word is “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

Light World Astrology was created to bring light to the world through God’s story in the stars.

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Clara’s depth of knowledge and unique insight has been honed by years of study - both independently and through astrology course work.

Clara practices both Western and Vedic astrology. Her substantial experience in modern Western astrology is blended with the influences of Jyotish—“the Science of Light.”

Clara is available for personal astrology readings.

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You can also subscribe to her blog.

Social Media

Light World Astrology can be found on Twitter/X.

X @LightWorldAstro

Turn a light on in your world.

a person standing in the middle of a canyon at night

See God’s will for you with greater clarity and definition. A great astrologer can help bring YOUR story to life.

Schedule a Reading with Clara

Schedule a reading with Clara

If you are interested in a personal astrology reading, click here to schedule your appointment online.

Most questions can be addressed during your reading.

Turn a light on in your world.

Schedule a Reading with Clara


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Legal: Astrological readings are for entertainment purposes only. Nothing disclosed in the readings should be construed as legal, financial, or medical advice. Those questions should be answered by licensed professionals. The readings are interpretive, meaning you should not view them as absolute or a guarantee of accuracy. The information given in a reading is not legally binding. All services are for entertainment purposes only. Light World Astrology accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on the reading that was provided.

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Astrology by Clara (@LightWorldAstro)
