Weekly Sun Sign Horoscope: May 2023, Week 4
Astrology Forecast Wednesday May 24-Tuesday May 30, 2023
Weekly Sun Sign Horoscopes: May 2023, Week 4
ARIES: Your focus right now may be the building of your finances, and how that pressure is being felt at your authoritative job. You feel a pull towards creative projects and being with your children. In your subconscious mind, you have some strong ideas and spiritual practices pushing you to move forward with more meaningful work goals. Saturn is forming a square to the sun as we move through this week. Use the pressure of this square energy to build this new outlet for yourself. The home, your passions, and your partnerships are sources of comfort. Enjoy the process of building a new financial future for yourself, and allow your loved ones to remind you why you work so hard. Keep the prayers up for your children, as they might be feeling extreme pressure right now. Encourage calm. Avoid rash actions and tempers that can lead to mishaps. Reprogram the “have to’s” and “because they said so” into "What is God’s will for me?” Nothing else matters.
TAURUS: They say pressure makes a diamond. If this is true, get ready to shine, Taurus! You are in the spotlight and your friends are talking about it. Your spiritual tribe is there for you, too. There isn’t much in your life that is not changing. Work, partnerships, home life and your spiritual journey are all shaping up in new ways. Did you make a commitment fueled by the recent eclipses in late April and early May? If so, your partner could be the source of all of these changes. This is one of those moments in time you will tell your grandchildren about. Soak it all up and be thankful that life is no longer passing by on you. Who knew, a couple of years ago, so much would change. I bet you didn’t—but your astrologer might have insisted it would! Keep your usual calm under pressure. Change can be hard. Compromise and easing into a new atmosphere takes time. As Mars marches into Leo, your home base is about to get an overhaul. Be patient with yourself and others as things take shape. Expect unusual compliments this weekend from unexpected sources.
GEMINI: Happy Birthday, Gemini. Does it even feel like a birthday? You have a lot going on in your head right now. Some of you are dealing with spiritual matters, which are causing you to daydream at work. Other Gemini’s are trying to figure out health issues. Possibly both are connected. How do you get the help you need while also keeping things private? With Venus in your second house, you need to love on yourself right now and build up your self worth. You are strong and you can overcome these obstacles. Give yourself time to think and process the information buzzing around in your head. It’s possible siblings are keeping secrets from you as well. Practice calm restraint while driving and communicating with others. You may not be paying attention and say or do something you never intended to let happen. Slow and steady this week. Self care and a good daily routine can help settle the nerves. Unexpected news from afar might come this weekend.
CANCER: Caution this week with finances. Be wary of friends or groups asking for sums of money from you. Others may try to take advantage of your services. Your spouse or business partner may also be in contention with you about money. This can be an incredibly stressful time. With Venus in Cancer right now, take some time to love on yourself. Find things that make you smile and make them part of your day. There could be some beautiful moments this week, but the pressure can make you crabby. Talking about the issues clearly, with the facts, can clear up the pressure. Your escapes this week are your children and creative hobbies. You might feel the need to retreat into your shell as you prepare for next month—your birthday! Deep breathes, in and out. This weekend could drop some unexpected friendships and new hopes and wishes into your lap. Saturday, the Virgo moon will make communications and organizing a fortunate task. Prepare for the week ahead from home. The world is not stopping. Be ready.
LEO: The weight of the world continues to feel like it is on your shoulders. Mars Just moved into your sign, and on Wednesday the Moon gets here, too. What actions did you take that are making you feel emotional? What has been festering that is now hurting your pride? You continue to deal with your own issues about yourself, but you are also dealing transformations in your career and partnerships. You can ask for help. It doesn’t have to be the Leo show all the time. With the sun moving into Gemini, there is a light shining on your friendships. There is a lot of love there, but also some difficulty this week. Continue to do your work. On Saturday, organize the finances with the Virgo moon. Your image and career will continue to grow this year. Find unexpected support on Friday from a spiritual place. Your inner life and intuition are important.
VIRGO: For awhile now, deep, intense creativity has been exploding for you. Your research continues, and now you are bringing some of these subconscious, spiritual and and creative parts of your life into a regular daily routine. The work you do now to grow your knowledge and experience will become a big part of who you are. You may see your kids growing into their own now, too. Keep good notes on what you are learning. They will be valuable one day. Talk with your friends this week. Relationships support you, but also challenge you to commit. Unexpected intense moments with friends might pop up on Friday. The Moon in Virgo on Saturday will be a good time to take care of yourself. Rewrite the routine and travel itinerary. Be open to changes from what you had planned. Things going on in the world stage will affect where you can go. Work out the details, but give yourself a wide berth of wiggle room. Things outside your control could mess up carefully laid plans.
LIBRA: People and money, death and transformation. For a long time now there have been unexpected issues coming up with possible monetary gains, but maybe it’s coming through some kind of loss. Events cause pressure to change the home situation and the community/social circle. It’s possible you are just extremely driven now to ride the wave of these windfalls. Are there secrets other people are keeping from you? Are there answered that haven’t been given in regards to someone’s death? Or is your lover living a lie? Things are intense. Friday brings an unusual gust of wind towards your career in regards to money. Saturn in your 6th house is asking you to continue the hard work daily to transform your emotional and financial landscape. On Saturday, take care of your health—physical and spiritual. Life can get crazy as we continue into 2023. Recharge so you are ready.
SCORPIO: Partnership themes intensify. You may have to lose some of your free time to welcome in a growing relationship. Space needs to be made at work and at home for this partner. Dating becomes serious business. It’s possible your partner says something to you that sets you off emotionally. It could be in regards to your public image. Are you aligned with an idea of yourself that isn’t true? Whatever is communicated could flip the script and give you a larger, deeper perspective on where to narrow your focus and increase your self worth. Talking is a place of fortune this week. Beware, patience is required as we continue our way out of this square with Pluto, Jupiter and Mars. Taurus is asking us to take our time and do it right. Touch base with friends on Saturday with the moon in Virgo. Strategize how your friends, partnerships, work and home can be shored for the future. Economic instability is asking you to hold tight to the ones you can rely on. Create strong connections. These are your people in tough times.
SAGITTARIUS: Last week I mentioned you had a lot going on. This week, the chart explosion continues. Work is still a priority; health is still a big concept right now. The sun has moved into Gemini, shining some light on your partnerships. Are you now part of a pair? If so, there is much to think about. Plans need to be made. Discussions may get intense about day to day issues. Merging finances, schedules and daily life with another person could be a huge topic. You love new adventures, and what’s ahead may be more than you ever could have planned for yourself. Praise God for the unexpected! Friday could bring a surprise bonus from work or some unexpected news about a coworker. We are living in intense times. This weekend, strategize workflow. Keep an eye on world events. Head into next week with a plan.
CAPRICORN: Just when you thought you were free from Pluto’s clutches, the pain is seeping back in. You thought you were past it. You blessed the loss and moved on. The knife is being twisted now. Is the Mars opposition causing this old wound to bleed again? The lesson here is strength. If you made it through the pain before, you can do it again. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. This Pluto retrograde, square to Jupiter and Mars, is showing what you were once obsessed about. Compare that to what you are working towards now. North Node with Jupiter is directing you forward, showing that this path is more aligned as God’s will for you. There’s nothing like a few arguments with your partner about domestic issues to bring the stress level up even further. Sometimes we have to air grievances and work through pain to get to the other side. You might be lonely for friendships right now, but your family needs you. Your spouse and kids could drop some unexpected joy on Friday. Saturday, get your educational pursuits in order. Organize paperwork. Look ahead on how you can be prepared financially for a tough economy.
AQUARIUS: There’s nothing like dropping truth bombs to make your whole life explode into an epic emotional argument. I know what you are thinking. You didn’t do anything wrong. You simply pointed out the truth. Well, the truth hurts—and it will hurt you in the long run if you don’t show some restraint and compassion. I know, it’s hard! Partners are being irrational and emotional. You see a pattern they don’t want to admit. You want big changes on the home front. Maybe you want to move. There are so many things going on in the economy and international affairs. These bleed into the pressure everyone is feeling. You want to stay cool and above it, but everyone else is mired in reality. Intellectually, you know this is all part of the process. Give others a chance to catch up. Friday will bring the unique energy you love. Crazy health hacks might shine a light on a nagging issue. Work hard on your passions, hobbies and relationship with your kids. This weekend, plan for emergencies. It’s prepper time. What resources do you have? What resources do you need from others?
PISCES: Your value and self worth are in how you communicate. You may feel overwhelmed with all of the communications you are receiving, rather than putting out, that is jarring. Friends are going through intense times. They may call and tell you something so crazy, it sets your days way off emotionally. All of this pressure is transforming who you are. The Gemini sun shines at home now. As you deal with a world gone mad, your unique message is a grounding influence. People need your spiritual take on life. Hone your communication skills. Enjoy short trips with the family to keep things rolling right now. Patterns are emerging with regards to people you deal with daily. Be patient as things shake out. Ask your spouse out on a date on Friday—somewhere different. This is the break you need before the Virgo Moon on Saturday. This moon asks you and your partner to get organized for what the world stage is marching towards. You feel it coming.
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