Week Ahead Horoscope for Sunday June 18, 2023 - Saturday June 24, 2023
This week, we head into a new energy with Saturn retrograde that began on Saturday June 17, 2023. You may have noticed a review, or re-visit, of Saturn themes of work, restrictions, limits and authority. People will be reviewing their responsibilities and committing to their plans.
Expect announcements and invitations over these weeks as people devote themselves to education, marriage and work commitments.
Meanwhile, others will be letting go of excess and thinking deeper into what they have committed to. Find ways to be more efficient. Cut the fat.
Likely you’ve witnessed a clash as people desire answers and facts from things that have transpired these past few years. Saturn is the bringer of karma. Good and bad.
Remember this theme, as we approach this new week, starting Sunday June 18th.
Sunday 18 June 2023
Saturn stationed retrograde yesterday
Moon enters Cancer at 06:58am EST
Moon Sextile transit Jupiter at 8:46pm EST
Moon Trine transit Saturn at 9:00am EST
Moon Void of Course Starts at 9:00pm EST
Sun Square transit Neptune at 11:54pm EST
The moon enters Cancer this morning, encouraging the comforts of home. It makes a sextile to Jupiter, urging optimism. With the sun and mercury in Gemini, these aspects combine towards positive, good times. It’s a good day to chat with family, play some games and make summertime memories.
Fill up your emotional cup during this New Moon. The moon’s trine to Saturn reminds us to touch base with the wise elders in our family circle. Gain some advice and perspective.
As the evening draws on, process through what you are feeling emotionally about Saturnian themes of responsibilities and restrictions in your life. What do you need to commit to? What are you letting go of? Where are you getting your just rewards? Or, did you break the rules and have to answer for it?
The sun continues its square to Neptune. A great day to get away. Reality seems hard to grasp. Family time and the creative realm makes more sense. Meditate on the spiritual side as well.
Saturn retrograde, quintile Uranus:
Saturn is asking us to look over things, and Uranus is telling us yes, it is not what you were trained to believe. It is way crazier. Conspiracy theories are true, and Saturn Quintile Uranus is here to prove it.
Monday 19 June 2023
Jupiter Sextile transit Saturn at 11:53am EST
Moon Quintile transit Jupiter at 8:45pm EST
Monday is a great day to make steady progress. Growth and expansion of Jupiter, with the careful plodding of Saturn, can set you up for success. Work, education or travel opportunities show through. Sound judgement helps make it work in real life. Get things done.
The Sun’s square to Neptune continues to cloud reality. Not a bad aspect to bring up the prayers and weave spiritual practices into your daily routine. The problem is, real life issues aren’t being seen from a focused lens. What we see isn’t making logical sense. We don’t have all the facts.
If you combine this transit with the building square of Mars and Uranus, you may find rebellion forming against an inaccurate narrative. People may feel they want to act rashly and take risks. Is this response a good move? Are we basing decisions on perceptions, or truth?
Pray on this before jumping in. Focus the proud, rebellious energy towards an intellectual breakthrough or a work of creative genius. Let your mind reach outside of the box. Keep the wild and crazy physical expression within safe limits. Work off energy in the backyard. The Cancer moon makes the home the place to be, anyway.
The Moon makes a quintile transit to Jupiter this evening at 8:45pm EST. This helps one express their feelings openly, bringing an optimistic healing moment. Feelings aren’t as scary. Laugh it off and move forward.
Tuesday 20 June 2023
Moon Sextile transit Uranus at 12:34am EST
Moon Trine transit Neptune at 1:24pm EST
Moon Opposition transit Pluto at 5:44pm EST
Moon enters Leo at 6:04pm EST
This week is full of intuitive moments, and around midnight Tuesday, the Moon sextile Uranus gives us a blessed moment. Information can flash into your mind from a variety of unexpected sources. Random conversations, internet research or intuitive urges help us see things differently, leading to victory over problems. Change up the domestic routine with this energy. Different is good.
This afternoon, let the Moon trine Neptune take your mind to creative, spiritual or even romantic heights. What can you dream up? Compose music. Share your creativity through film work. Create content that provides comfort to others in hard times. You can feel what people need today.
At dinner time, the moon opposes Pluto as it makes its way into Leo. Could this moon be a trigger point to conflict? Or will it ignite on Wednesday evening when it reaches Venus, and Thursday morning when it reaches Mars? Use the intuitive insight this week to tune into what needs to be done.
Make final preparations tonight for wild happenings as this week matures. Real life and the world news could reach explosive heights. Pluto does not mess around on it’s path towards transformation. The square energy with Pluto and the nodes, and the Mars squaring Uranus buildup, equals pressure ready to pop.
Wednesday 21 June 2023
Sun Quincunx transit Pluto at 06:20am EST
Moon Quincunx transit Saturn at 08:30am EST
Moon Square transit Jupiter at 09:15am EST
Sun enters Cancer at 10:58am EST
Summer Solstice at 10:58am EST
Mercury Sextile transit Mars at 11:23am EST
Moon Conjunct transit Venus at 11:08pm EST
Happy Birthday, Cancer! At 10:58am, it is officially Cancer season. The summer solstice has begun.
Will it be a midsummer night’s dream, or something else entirely? Early morning begins with a pressure point. The Moon in Leo quincunx transit Saturn—what will it be? A power struggle of control? A karmic moment we all need to face? Or, an opportunity to trust in a higher power and find a compromise that works. Whatever transpires here is a fated moment to walk through.
Don’t get your feelings hurt when the moon quincunx Saturn at 8:30am. People, yourself included, need to stay on task. There is a lot going on. Keep it professional. Use the Jupiter square the moon at 9:15 am to say a prayer, keep the positive vibes up, and keep rolling through the day. Around lunchtime, Mercury and Mars form a sextile, bringing strength to physical work and solving logistical problems.
At 11:08 pm, that Leo moon touches Venus, which is in its shadow, about to go retrograde. Usually a pleasant aspect of beauty and peace, this touchdown to Venus is asking us to rethink and revise battle plans. The Moon reaches Mars in Leo tomorrow morning. A call to action? Use this evening to contemplate romantic moves.
Pray for world leaders at this time, also—that they may also contemplate their chess moves before rushing into conflict. Soak up the Venus moon energy and invite peace into your world, and the world at large. Pray up. This is about to become both a spiritual and a physical battle.
Thursday 22 June 2023
Crescent Moon at 01:23am EST
Moon Conjunct transit Mars at 08:42am EST
Moon Void of Course Starts at 11:51am EST
Moon Sextile transit Mercury at 11:51am EST
Moon Square transit Uranus at 1:01pm EST
Here we go. The moon has reached Mars. Courage, enthusiasm and passion meet. Expend excess physical energy with competitive sport. Unspent energy will be wasted as frustration and rashness.
What did you decide last night, with Moon conjunct Venus? The Moon sextiles Mercury at 11:51am. Positive conversations can be had. The problem is, the Mars and Chiron trine happens first, at 8:42am. This can bring on aggression.
Don’t let the moon conjunct Mars, trine Chiron, find you in a battle. Avoid drama if you can.
The Moon squares Uranus at 1:01pm. Impulsiveness, edginess and emotional outbursts could be seen today. Fight it on a spiritual front—centering prayer, deep breaths and knowing you are protected from above.
Keep focus today, and away from drama, by leaning into Jupiter sextile Saturn. The work you are doing to get ahead in life is supported now. Invest here.
Friday 23 June 2023
Moon Quincunx transit Neptune at 01:52am EST
Moon Quincunx transit Pluto at 06:08am EST
Moon enters Virgo at 06:35am EST
Sun Sextile transit Moon at 10:25am EST
Moon Opposition transit Saturn at 9:08pm EST
Moon Trine transit Jupiter at 10:53pm EST
Friday June 23 packs the heat. This heat will be felt all the way into July, as the astrological energy intensifies.
We get a yod and a huge square when the moon quincunxes Pluto and squares the nodes. The lunar nodes are finishing up their time in Taurus/Scorpio and gearing up for Aries/Libra on July 17th.
Virgo moons are great for getting organized. And although squares and Yods are pressure points, they can be driving forces for getting things done. Finish the things on your list today. The sun sextile the moon at 10:25am will help you feel outgoing and positive. Seize the day and feel the good energy of accomplishment.
This evening, at 9:08pm, the moon opposes Saturn. This is a tough aspect emotionally, making people feel sad, lonely and burdened. Don’t spiral into a depression. If you can hold on until 10:53pm when the moon trines transit Jupiter, the sad vibe will be lifted and emotional comfort from loved ones come through. Or, if you go to bed early, some loving intuitive vibes could enter your dreams tonight.
Remember to stay focused on your path. Everyone is feeling the pressure. There is still so much to be thankful for. Happy moments and blessings shine through even on a dark night.
Saturday 24 June 2023
We begin to separate from Neptune square the sun, helping us to see more clearly. But wait, here comes a big square to Mercury, the planet of communication, to Neptune, the planet of illusion. It hits officially on Sunday the 24th, but likely by Saturday you should be on your guard. Wrong or distorted information, white lies that become an embarrassment and tricky people trying to pull you into a false belief could cause some problems.
Thankfully we get some help with Uranus trining the Moon and beginning a trine to Pluto. Trust your intuition. If this week has taught us nothing, it’s that we have to listen to a higher power and the instincts God gives us. Keep communications to the basic facts. Say no to anything that distorts your mind. This includes drugs and alcohol. So many people are getting tripped up by the Neptune aspects. Overdoses are rampant. Stay out of this mess. Tap into your creative drives instead. Music, art, building, remodeling.
Next week…
Mercury enters Cancer on Tuesday June 26, 2023.
Neptune begins it’s retrograde, stationing retrograde Sunday June 30, 2023.
Overall, the prevailing advice is to keep your cool. Don’t get trapped under negative emotions and distorted reality. Keep things very basic. Let truth and proof line it all.
May God Bless you, always!
Warm Regards,
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