Full Moon Daily Light - Tuesday December 26, 2023
Letting Go, Moving Forward - Today’s Astrology Forecast
We wake up with the last degrees of the Gemini Moon itching us to take care of the little things Mercury Retrograde didn’t get right. Time for epic store returns to begin!
I heard one of my favorite astrologers, Robert Phoenix, say Christmas during a Mercury retrograde always includes numerous store returns. I laughed because I was already amassing quite a collection myself.
Get organized for a minute, then step back and keep calm.
Holidays can dredge up many odd feelings. This morning, we may feel uneasy thinking about past, deeply buried memories. Write down your thoughts. Chiron goes direct tonight. Use today to deal and heal. The Moon entering Cancer at 10:15am helps us feel more at home with the current situation.
Today is Full Moon Day, with a Full Moon in Cancer this evening at 7:33pm at 4°.
Cancer is the Moon’s home sign. This can give us a positive edge in balancing our emotions and our true selves.
The Sun in Capricorn, a cardinal sign, likely knows what we want. Our emotions, with the Moon in Cancer, knows what we need.
This Full Moon allows us to put to rest the things that no longer suit us, as we gear up for the things that do.
Saturn in a Trine to the Moon brings stability to our emotions and asks us if we are ok to commit for the long haul. Jupiter in Taurus, nearly stopped, about to go direct on New Year’s Eve, adds a sense of stored up wonder. “What’s around the corner” optimism helps us move forward in the spirit of confident, independent North Node in Aries, which we previously struggled to feel.
As we make our Full Moon intentions, keep an eye on your chart wherever the Cardinal signs hit. Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra will feel this Full Moon.
Then, on January 11th, we have a New Moon at 20° Capricorn, with all planets direct! This should move us into a new world.
For today, however, keep your antennae up. There could be some deception, enticing us with fighting words to throw our hat into the wrong “current thing.” Prayerfully reflect on God’s perfect will.
I hope this Full Moon brings peace and joy in letting go and moving forward.
Tuesday 26 December 2023
Moon Square transit Neptune at 12:58am
Moon Quincunx transit Venus at 02:15am
Moon Opposition transit Mercury at 02:56am
Moon Void of Course Starts at 02:56am
Moon Quincunx transit Pluto at 08:45am
Moon enters Cancer at 10:15am
Moon Trine transit Saturn at 3:30am
Sun Opposition transit Moon at 7:33pm
*Full Moon at 7:33pm
Moon Sextile transit Jupiter at 8:46pm
*Chiron Stationary Direct at 9:10pm*
Wednesday 27 December 2023
*Mercury Square transit Neptune at 02:43am
*Sun Trine transit Jupiter at 10:29am
Moon Square transit Chiron at 3:23am
Moon's North Node Opposition transit Moon's South Node at 5:12pm
*Mercury Conjunct transit Mars at 7:31pm
Moon Sextile transit Uranus at 11:04pm
I'm grateful to have found you via Robert!