Daily Light - Wednesday January 17, 2024
Indulge in Love, Ask for What you Want - Today's Astrology Forecast
How is the weather? Are you still snowed in? If so, we have another outstanding day for romance. The Moon in Aries makes a sweet trine to Venus this afternoon. Love and affection are in the air. If you want to ask someone out on a date, do it. Likely, the answer will be YES.
This morning, the Moon is conjunct the Aries North Node. We find that we are emotionally invested in the new story line. Past loves are on the losing end. Lavish your current obsession with all the affection, attention, and fun the Aries Moon, in Trine to Venus in Sagittarius, can handle.
If you don’t have a current love interest, love on your family and friends. Their warm encouragement fuels the fire to get moving on your latest goals. Make something beautiful happen.
If you need financial support, this is the week to ask. Today, the Aries Moon and North Node, in Trine to Venus, entice people to join your team. Entrepreneurial visions have the green light.
These next 3 days, turn dreams in to reality. Mercury inches closer to Mars, in a sextile to Saturn. Interviews, investor meetings and contract discussions should all go in a positive direction. Jupiter aspects can increase the dollar signs on the deal. Use the Aries fire to ask for what you are worth!
Ask plenty of questions before signing on the dotted line, however. Neptune in square to Venus could be mis-representing reality by painting an overly rosy picture. Where are your blind spots? Get a second opinion and do a background check.
Going to bed early tonight is an excellent idea. Otherwise, the Sun in Square to the Moon could cause friction at home. If there are underlying issues, the Aries Moon in square to Capricorn will have it out. Pallas in quincunx to Eris begins to make sense of the chaos that hasn’t been adding up.
On Thursday, the Moon enters Taurus. This exalted placement will make beautiful aspects! If you didn’t ask for the favor today, tomorrow could line up for a big payoff, too.
May we all receive the blessing of warm hearts and financial windfalls!
All my best,
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💕 Love. 💰 Money. 🌎 Relocation. 🧒 👧 Parent-Child Relationships. 💼 Career.
Know Thyself.
17 January 2024
Moon Conjunct transit Chiron at 02:20am
Moon Conjunct transit Moon's North Node at 09:04am
Moon Opposition transit Moon's South Node at 09:04am
Moon Trine transit Venus at 3:22pm
First Quarter Moon at 10:53pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 10:53pm
Sun Square transit Moon at 10:53pm
18 January 2024
Moon Square transit Pluto at 03:03am
Moon enters Taurus at 03:12am
Mercury Sextile transit Saturn at 03:50am
Moon Sextile transit Saturn at 11:57am
Moon Trine transit Mercury at 12:42pm
Moon Conjunct transit Jupiter at 2:05pm
Moon Trine transit Mars at 10:26pm