Daily Light - Wednesday December 13, 2023
Finding Abundance - Today's Astrology Forecast
While most kids are anxiously anticipating Christmas, parents may find their thoughts turning to the pocketbook. How to make due? The holiday demands, inflation, and uncertain political times increase nervous feelings. Thankfully today, we get a chance to align our course.
Mercury has entered retrograde motion, in a near-miss to a perfect sextile with Venus. To me, this indicates a need to re-consider financial and romantic near misses, too. Use this Mercury retrograde time to turn back the clock. Look at how you spend and earned your money. Is there a missed treasure from the past to explore that can help fill your wallet in the New Year? Consider past work experience and passions that can be dusted off and re-worked into a money making endeavor.
Jupiter is slowing down, preparing to go direct on December 31, 2023, at 5º Taurus. Ruled by Venus, Jupiter in Taurus is preparing to give our love and money a spark of new life, too. Use this New Moon phase to make plans.
Roll up your sleeves when the Moon enters hardworking Capricorn at 10:32am. This Capricorn Moon will make a Sextile to Saturn. Protecting and providing for family becomes the central focus.
While the kids are bouncing off the walls full of Christmas joy, sharpen your pencil and go back over your to-do list. How can you transmute the love, joy, and optimism from yesterday’s New Sagittarius Moon into blessings for a prosperous New Year?
If you find you are stuck in the ideas department, focus on prayer tonight. Feel the Holy Spirit enfold you in love and comfort. Be thankful for what you have. Share your blessings with others. If you have a need, let your intentions be known.
Late into the evening brings blessings for writing and journaling.
Tomorrow, the Moon goes Void of Course at 5:55am in a Sextile to Venus. Take a rest, or complete mundane tasks. Allow the love in your heart for your family inspire your work.
May God bring Gifts of Gold to those in need.
🕵🏻 Need a career detective? Contact Clara!
Your ideal career is one of many blessings found within your natal chart. 🌌
Wednesday 13 December 2023
Moon Square transit Neptune at 01:49am
Mercury Stationary Retrograde at 02:09am
Moon enters Capricorn at 10:32am
Moon Sextile transit Saturn at 1:39pm
Moon Trine transit Jupiter at 8:51pm
Thursday 14 December 2023
Moon Conjunct transit Mercury at 12:47am
Moon Void of Course Starts at 05:55am
Moon Sextile transit Venus at 05:55am
Moon Square transit Chiron at 12:45pm
Moon Trine transit Uranus at 8:00pm