Daily Light - Tuesday October 24, 2023
Making Plans, Getting Serious—Today’s Astrology Chart and Forecast
We have an interesting configuration in the sky today. Most of the inner planets are in early degrees. Most of the outer planets are in later degrees. It may feel as though we are in the infant stages of plans being made.
Whatever Scorpio is obsessing about in your life, it gets the support of the Sun, Mars, and Mercury. All three of these planets in early degrees of Scorpio make a trine to Saturn in Pisces. Things are getting serious.
Today’s Moon is also newly in Pisces, in a conjunction to Saturn. The Moon in trine to the Sun, Mercury, and Mars brings our lives a reality check. What do we need to be doing, to take responsibility for our body, mind, and spirit? It is time to get serious about how we live our lives.
Don’t be surprised to hear people pulling at your emotions and your sense of duty to drive you towards their needs. Pisces sometimes has a “poor me” energy to it. This could be invoked to get Scorpio intensity riled up to join the fray.
As the Sun continues to catch up to Mars over the next couple of weeks, use today’s early degrees to brainstorm your moves. What feels right physically, as well as spiritually? On November 17th, the Sun and Mars meet in a Cazimi, giving us better timing to begin these actions.
Today’s serious energy may be just what we require. The thoughts and feelings that have been swirling around in our heads gets some footing. Just be aware, these early degrees can have an immature, not well-thought-out intensity to them. Lean into the positive aspects to Saturn to keep within the bounds of reality. How can our dreams work in real life?
There could be a lonely feel today. Venus is in her fall position, off in the middle degrees of Virgo, not making a close enough aspect to be felt. Saturn trining these inner planets is putting work and duty above romance. Even the Moon is with Saturn, restricting our emotions.
One way to balance the day is to use the strength of Mars in his conjunctions and trines to go after what you want. If you need to make plans with someone special, today we feel brave enough to do the asking.
If you’ve been meaning to touch base with friends and family to go over plans for work or the upcoming winter season preparations, today is a great day to do this, too. Preparations for emergencies, or for holiday fun, could go smoothly. People are likely to be on the same page.
If you’ve been craving some social time, late tonight brings on good cheer. If 11:57pm EST is not too late for you, the Pisces Moon makes a Sextile to Jupiter, increasing harmony and positive attitudes.
Tomorrow, the moon goes void of course at 5:52am. Aside from a couple of outer planet aspects, the moon is technically void of course all day Wednesday. The VOC ends when the Moon enters Aries Thursday morning.
Use today for all it’s worth. Tomorrow is a good day to lie low, take care of life’s responsibilities and have some downtime.
Blessings on a great Tuesday,
24 October 2023
Sun Trine transit Saturn at 03:14am
Moon enters Pisces at 04:33am
Moon Conjunct transit Saturn at 05:34am
Sun Trine transit Moon at 05:45am
Moon Trine transit Mercury at 10:57am
Moon's North Node Opposition transit Moon's South Node at 6:53pm
Moon Trine transit Mars at 6:58pm
Moon Sextile transit Jupiter at 11:57pm
25 October 2023
Moon Void of Course Starts at 05:52am
Moon Opposition transit Venus at 05:52am
Gibbous Moon at 08:21am
Moon Sextile transit Uranus at 4:35pm
Moon Quincunx transit Moon's South Node at 21:38
Moon Conjunct transit Neptune at 22:22
26 October 2023
Moon Sextile transit Pluto at 02:39am
Moon enters Aries at 06:02am
Sun Quincunx transit Moon at 10:51am
Moon Quincunx transit Mercury at 18:36
Venus Quincunx transit Chiron at 21:11
Moon Quincunx transit Mars at 22:49
27 October 2023
Moon Conjunct transit Chiron at 10:00
Moon Quincunx transit Venus at 11:01
Moon Opposition transit Moon's South Node at 23:14
Moon Conjunct transit Moon's North Node at 23:14
Moon's South Node Stationary Retrograde at 23:16
Moon's North Node Stationary Retrograde at 23:16
28 October 2023
Moon Square transit Pluto at 04:20
Moon enters Taurus at 07:44
Moon Sextile transit Saturn at 08:40
Mars Opposition transit Jupiter at 12:03
Lunar Eclipse at 16:14
Sun Opposition transit Moon at 16:24
Super Moon at 16:24
Full Moon at 16:24
Mercury Opposition transit Jupiter at 23:45
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