Daily Light - Tuesday January 9, 2024
Wading through the Fog towards Clarity - Today's Astrology Forecast
Confusing communications yesterday hit their peak when Mercury squared Neptune. Today, the head-scratching continues. The Sagittarius Moon squares Neptune, putting emotional understanding on edge. Keep communications clear. Ask if you aren’t sure. Even better, pick up the phone to gain clarity from texts and emails.
Another issue with these Neptune squares— a lack of confidence on the direction we are headed. The dark moon makes it even harder to see what is around the corner. Capricorn season has brought outstanding aspects for hard work, and Uranus is adding an exciting edge to our ideas. Yet, things still feel cloudy. How do we get the work done, when we aren’t quite sure where the goal post is?
Capricorns, especially, feel underwater. The drive to work hard is facing off with 3 planets in Sagittarius—the 12th house for Capricorn risings. The subconscious mind and spiritual matters take priority. When life feels like gelatin, it’s difficult to climb the mountain.
Thankfully, the Moon joins Mercury at 1:25pm, when the Moon goes Void of Course. Take time out to reset confusing thoughts and feelings. Meditate and journal towards a more clear direction.
This evening, we begin to get our focus back, in time for Thursday’s New Moon. The Moon enters Capricorn at 8:34pm. Near the same time, Mars makes a sextile to Saturn.
Tomorrow, the Capricorn Moon brings fantastic energy to get things done with a positive attitude.
May God help us on our path today.
9 January 2024
Moon Quincunx transit Uranus at 02:10am
Moon Sextile transit Moon's South Node at 04:35am
Moon Trine transit Moon's North Node at 04:35am
Moon Square transit Neptune at 12:27pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 1:25pm
Moon Conjunct transit Mercury at 1:25pm
Sun Trine transit Uranus at 7:08pm
Moon enters Capricorn at 8:34pm
Mars Sextile transit Saturn at 9:40pm
10 January 2024
Moon Sextile transit Saturn at 03:29
Moon Conjunct transit Mars at 03:46
Moon Trine transit Jupiter at 06:15
Sun Square transit Moon's North Node at 20:44
Sun Square transit Moon's South Node at 20:44
Moon Square transit Chiron at 22:28