We are now past the midpoint of winter. Today’s dark Capricorn Moon reaches the Balsamic Phase. Lower moods prevail. For many, this is a good time to reflect and meditate.
Be kind to yourself and others. Many people are contemplating their plans, while still dealing with issues and pains from the past.
Thankfully, the Aquarian sun shines on the lunar nodes, bringing to light choices and options. With Aquarius energy running high these upcoming days and weeks, trying something new and unexpected feels like the right path.
This evening, the Capricorn Moon makes a sextile to Saturn in Pisces. Tending to family matters is a good way to spend the time. Alone time feels good, too.
The Moon in a trine to Jupiter can bring optimism to our perspective. Even though it is cold and dark right now, spring is just around the corner!
Wednesday has a decidedly romantic feel, with positive aspects to Venus. Earth energy rules, with a touch of spiritual romance, too.
May God bring blessings to your Tuesday!
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A light on your path…
Tuesday 6 February 2024
Moon Square transit Neptune at 12:06am
Moon enters Capricorn at 07:09am
Balsamic Moon at 11:11am
Venus Square transit Moon's South Node at 11:16am
Venus Square transit Moon's North Node at 11:16am
Sun Trine transit Moon's South Node at 5:17pm
Sun Sextile transit Moon's North Node at 5:17pm
Moon Sextile transit Saturn at 7:18pm
Moon Trine transit Jupiter at 8:41pm
7 February 2024
Moon Square transit Chiron at 10:33am
Moon Square transit Moon's South Node at 12:36pm
Moon Square transit Moon's North Node at 12:36pm
Moon Conjunct transit Venus at 3:13pm
Moon Trine transit Uranus at 3:19pm
Venus Trine transit Uranus at 4:26pm
Mars Sextile transit Neptune at 7:20pm