Daily Light - Tuesday December 19, 2023
Swirling Energies - Today's Astrology Forecast
Organizing our feelings, desires, and a constant stream of information keeps us on our toes. Take a deep breath. Disengage from worry.
The Pisces Moon this morning puts us in a cloud. Our instincts could be off, or right on, and we don’t know why. As the morning began, there may have been some negative feelings about letting go. Now, heightened emotional sensitivity could put us in an awkward place. Stick to the facts and make sound decisions. If you aren’t sure, wait. The Moon moves into Aries this evening, striking a match in the fog.
The Moon is in it’s first quarter, typically a good time to initiate projects. However, with Solstice arriving on Thursday, the energy for rest and quiet is a better choice. Projects begun now won’t be as lucrative as they will in our next New Moon cycle in January. For now, soak up experiences and information to help prepare the mind and body for all planets direct in 2024. Study, research, and organize.
If you weren’t already feeling the mounting holiday pressures, today you will! Make a list and stick to it. Stressing, nagging and blowing up at one another is the wrong move! Step back. Don’t engage. Be detached. The house doesn’t have to be perfect (Hint, hint, Clara), you don’t have to care what your picky relatives say about your looks, and your entire life doesn’t have to be figured out in time for Christmas. We all have one goal: Put heaven in your heart and keep it there. Put on some headphones, focus on your tasks, and keep your stress-based comments to yourself.
This afternoon, an awareness of our deepest feelings shines through. What is underneath? Use your subconscious mind to shift things into the proper light. There could be a desire for freedom, a wild escape from the norm, or just an expansiveness our normal lives often miss. Mercury retrograde may help us tap in. What did we do in our past routines to care for ourselves, make love fun, and get away from it all?
The Moon enters Aries at 5:47pm, clearing up the damp Pisces moods. Near midnight, words feel challenging. Journaling helps. Don’t be so critical.
Tomorrow, the Aries moon hangs out alone, giving us a blessed rest from intense emotions.
On Thursday, however, the Moon in Aries has a party, bringing in the Winter Solstice with a bang.
May God keep hearts and heads clear and love pouring in.
Tuesday 19 December 2023
Moon Sextile transit Uranus at 12:15am
Moon Quincunx transit Moon's South Node at 05:09am
Moon Conjunct transit Neptune at 09:08am
Moon's North Node Stationary Direct at 1:31pm
Moon's South Node Stationary Direct at 1:31pm
First Quarter Moon at 1:40pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 1:40pm
Sun Square transit Moon at 1:40pm
Moon Sextile transit Pluto at 4:04pm
Moon enters Aries at 5:47pm
Wednesday 20 December 2023
Moon Square transit Mercury at 12:42am
Moon Conjunct transit Chiron at 8:28pm
Very helpful advice -- especially about starting new projects in January. I’ll aim to relax and enjoy the rest of the holiday season 😊 And it’s a relief that emotions will let up soon, they’ve been intense the past few days!
Thank you and I wish you the same 💫✨💫