Soak up those final rays of strong summer sun. We are at the last degree of the Leo today—Leo’s ruling planet. Tomorrow we enter Virgo season.
The desire to have fun in the sun is even stronger this morning, with Venus retrograde in Leo in a square to Jupiter at 8:17am. People will be feeling more optimistic and friendly. Enjoy this bright morning, while keeping an eye on overindulgence. Later today, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.
The Sun approaches an opposition to Saturn today. When the sun enters Virgo tomorrow, we begin to feel this opposition more strongly. (The exact opposition with Saturn occurs on Sunday August 27, 2023—the day before Uranus goes retrograde. We will feel this Saturn repression now, leading up into the 27th, and a few days after.)
Sun in opposition to Saturn becomes the center of the Yod we have been feeling with Pluto and Neptune. If this quincunx energy has you teetering with worry, the center of the Yod is the solution. Hard work, patience and persistence is necessary.
An example of using this opposition to settle the Yod pressure could mean studying for a required certification to qualify for a better job—one that aligns more with the life you’d like to lead.
If you are in a job or relationship that you asks you to make concessions for your beliefs and inner desires, now would be a good time to do the work that can take you to a new, better place.
If you don’t like where you live, there is work to do to make a move possible. Cleaning, packing, downsizing possessions and arranging finances are hard, Saturnian things that can get you where you need to go.
We should feel Mars in opposition to Neptune strongly at 4:34pm today. This aspect reminds us that, whatever work you have set out to do, make sure it is aligned spiritually. With this aspect, and the above mentioned Saturn opposing the Sun, pray, keep your head down, and take one logical step at a time.
Energy and confidence are at a low here. Deception and confusion on what actions to take could make us feel stuck. The fear mongering in the air has been intense these past few days. If it makes your pulse race, that’s a sign to take a step back and re-align your actions with God and reality.
If you read my forecast yesterday, I mentioned taking steps towards emergency preparedness. Those are logical steps to take. Don’t get sucked in, however, into spending a fortune on things you may not need. Lean into Saturn to focus on real, tangible, day to day responsibilities. What do you need to have ready that makes sense for you and your family? What can you do without?
The loving, self indulgent theme continues. People feel less guarded, relaxed and open to sharing their feelings and beliefs.
Moon Square transit Venus at 12:10am
Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 12:11am
Moon Opposition transit Jupiter at 12:48am
Tomorrow, August 23, 2023:
The Sun enters Virgo, as we move towards that Saturn opposition.
Mercury stations retrograde. Be patient. Have a Plan B. Proof-read.
The Scorpio Moon opposes Jupiter, then Uranus. Could this give us a glimpse of what retrograde Jupiter and Uranus will feel like in September?
All the best!
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22 August 2023
Venus Square transit Jupiter at 08:17am
Mars Opposition transit Neptune at 4:34pm
23 August 2023
Moon Square transit Venus at 12:10am
Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 12:11am
Moon Opposition transit Jupiter at 12:48am
Sun enters Virgo at 05:02am
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