Today, our day is divided into Act 1 and Act 2. Creative and emotional processing happens in the first part of the day. Then, the Moon goes Void of Course from 3:02pm until later this evening, after 10pm. If you can take a mid-afternoon break, do it. Late evening will bring efficient work aspects and blessings in our communications.
Impulsiveness and nervousness begin the day when the Moon is in Quincunx to Uranus. Channel this energy into exciting work ideas. Save these ideas for this evening’s work block. Mix up your routine a little to add some excitement to your day. Then, focus on your tasks to rise above the rising tension in the world.
The Sagittarius Moon trines the Aries North Node at 10:12am, showing us a peak at the direction things are going. The dwarf planet of discord, Eris, has been traveling with the North Node, bringing us major violence and disruption. Take a deep breath and try to stay on course.
The Moon’s sextile with the South Node at 12:48pm is helping us calm our worries about moving on. More information is coming soon about past issues.
As we head into lunchtime, the Moon squares Neptune. This can cause deception, or a strong desire for escape. Continue to stay neutral. Show compassion. Pray for those that need it. Remember—there is an in ability to see things clearly right now. This square emphasizes the constant Neptunian cloud we have all been placed under for a while now. Find a safe escape for your imagination that includes positive outlets. Audiobooks, art, and music can help take you away. Don’t get sucked into the fog of war.
Use your safe escapes to help glide you into a break time. The Moon makes a Sextile to the Sun at 3:02pm before going Void of Course until late this evening. The Moon Sun sextile increases our inner harmony, offering us a chance to enjoy the company of close friends and family.
Act Two of your day begins much later. Night Owls should have a very nice work window late this evening.
At 9:55pm, the Moon enters Capricorn. This is an excellent time for hard work. The Moon makes a Sextile to Saturn at 11:10pm, furthering our ability to get down to brass tacks. Mercury will also be in Cazimi. This should be a very helpful window for any work dealing with communications.
A Cazimi is when a planet sits at the throne of the Sun. Less than a degree away, at 17 minutes, is considered a Cazimi. A Cazimi endows the planet close to the Sun gifts from the Sun’s rays. This should be a blessed moment for communications. We could hear some critical news at this time.
If you have presentations, speeches or writing to do, this would be a great window to mark down on your planner.
Cazimi time!
Begins: 4:45pm Thursday, October 19, 2023
Exact Conjunction: 1:38am, Friday, October 20, 2023
Mercury Moves past the Sun: 2:01am, Friday, October 20, 2023
Cazimi Separates: 11:30am, Friday, October 20, 2023
Mercury recently passed the eclipse degree before meeting with the Sun, so we should see news and information related to eclipse events showing up now.
Given the placements in today’s chart, I think the Mercury Cazimi will shed some harsh truths, as it is at the top of a Yod with the South Node, in a square to Pluto. It also squares America’s natal Pluto Return. We will have to come to terms with the facts, and be willing to take some losses. This information can push us to let go and transform individually, and as a nation.
We have Neptune and Uranus in retrograde at the base of this Yod, trying to cause disruption and spin. However, I think while we are in the Cazimi range, we could hear some pearls of wisdom and knowledge from above.
Until the Cazimi hits, however, Mercury is being burned up by the Sun’s rays. This can cause miscommunications, words that are too harsh, or too weak.
One snag in this Cazimi Zone is the Moon going Void of Course at 3:02pm, right before we reach the Cazimi. Void of Course Moons are no good for initiating new action. “Nothing will come of it,” they say. Take some time off with family to enjoy the Void Moon in Sextile to the Sun. Catch your second wind this evening.
Tomorrow, we still have a few hours of Cazimi energy left, as Mercury has moved past the Sun, but still in the Cazimi zone until 11:30am. This, blended with some positive Moon aspects, helps us get our work done.
It is a New Moon, in the space between eclipses. Find your footing amidst the jello.
19 October 2023
Mercury Opposition transit Moon's North Node at 01:35am
Mercury Conjunct transit Moon's South Node at 01:35am
Moon Quincunx transit Uranus at 07:46am
Mercury Quincunx transit Neptune at 10:12am
Moon Trine transit Moon's North Node at 12:48pm
Moon Sextile transit Moon's South Node at 12:48pm
Moon Square transit Neptune at 1:53pm
Moon Sextile transit Mercury at 2:25pm
Sun Sextile transit Moon at 3:02pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 3:02pm
Moon enters Capricorn at 9:55pm
Moon Sextile transit Saturn at 11:10pm
20 October 2023
Sun Conjunct transit Mercury at 01:38
Moon Sextile transit Mars at 07:55
Moon Trine transit Venus at 16:59
Moon Trine transit Jupiter at 19:30
Mercury Square transit Pluto at 20:51
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