Daily Light - Thursday November 23, 2023
Happy Thanksgiving! Today’s Astrology Forecast
Happy Thanksgiving! Although we have a building moon and lots of fire energy in the air, this year’s celebration could be a bit more subdued. The difficult economy, personal losses and continued pressures weigh us all down. As we gather, we naturally compare what we’ve been through these past few years.
We may notice how these hardships have affected our personal choices. Insecurities become apparent. Are we settling in life? If you look around at the family gathering, how many people are choosing bad relationships with food, drugs, alcohol, or people?
Fathers or authority figures may be especially overbearing today. Remind those personalities to keep a lid on it for a more peaceful dining experience.
It’s easier to read the room this evening. Connect with loved ones and have a heart-to-heart conversation. Your healing words can help someone level up and find their confidence again.
If you feel pressure this holiday weekend, use it to your advantage. Take on the challenge to learn new things. Mars will join this square to Saturn this weekend, helping us all take action towards a more serious plan.
May God bless you all.
Thursday 23 November 2023
Sun Square transit Saturn at 04:47am
Moon Conjunct transit Chiron at 3:27pm
Gibbous Moon at 4:03pm
Moon Opposition transit Venus at 5:57pm
Moon Trine transit Mercury at 10:52pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 10:52pm
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Bless you, Clara!
Grateful for the shared insights and talents. Thankful for the readers who participate along our shared journey.
Happy Thanksgiving