Daily Light - Thursday January 25, 2024
Full Moon Moods - Today's Astrology Forecast
The Full Moon in Leo arrives today. The Moon made an opposition to Pluto in the early morning hours. If you awoke from an intense dream around 2:30am, it’s likely the Moon Pluto opposition went deep into the subconscious mind and pulled out some intense emotions.
Relationships could weigh heavily today and this week, as this Leo Moon reminds us of this past summer, when Venus was retrograde in Leo for several months. Aspects with Chiron remind us of the lessons and healing we are undergoing.
The need to get a fair shake in love, and balance out the scales of karma, could leave us feeling uneasy. Are you being treated fairly? Or, are you the one pushing things too far?
If relationships are too much to deal with, focus on what you are building for the future. We still have Venus, Mercury, and Mars in Capricorn. As Mercury moves in for a conjunction with Mars, take advantage of increased mental acuity. Avoid fights and focus on solving complex problems. Check your words and actions before jumping in before thinking.
This Full Moon at 5º of Leo arrives at 12:54pm, and makes a square to Jupiter in Taurus this afternoon. Don’t forget your self-worth. The desire to indulge could lower standards. The Moon returns from out of bounds, but will go void of course at 3:47pm, driving the desire for the good things in life. Watch the budget. Find a way to recharge responsibly.
On Friday, we continue to adjust our words and actions under the Leo Moon energy. On Saturday, Uranus stations direct and the Moon enters Virgo, bringing a whole new burst of issues to figure out.
May God help us iron out the intensity with Love and Purpose!
đŸ’¡ Schedule an Astrology Reading…
If you are contemplating a career change, a relationships or need clarity on the direction of your life, an astrology reading can be a helpful light on your path.
Think smarter, not harder.
Schedule an Astrology Reading with Clara.
Thursday 25 January 2024
Moon enters Leo at 02:37am
Moon Opposition transit Pluto at 02:53am
Moon Quincunx transit Venus at 07:50am
Mars Square transit Chiron at 12:16pm
Full Moon at 12:54pm
Sun Opposition transit Moon at 12:54pm
Moon Quincunx transit Saturn at 1:53pm
Moon leaves out of bounds at 2:08pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 3:47pm
Moon Square transit Jupiter at 3:47pm
Friday 26 January 2024
**Mercury Square transit Chiron at 09:49**am
Moon Trine transit Chiron at 09:56am
Moon Quincunx transit Mercury at 09:56am
Moon Quincunx transit Mars at 11:20am
Moon Sextile transit Moon's South Node at 2:49pm
Moon Trine transit Moon's North Node at 2:49pm
Moon Square transit Uranus at 4:20pm
Definitely doing some grounding and praying for protection with all this going on. Thanks for the heads up!