Daily Light - Thursday February 8, 2024
Words with Impact - Today's Astrology Forecast
Could today bring words that change your life?
The Capricorn Moon shifts into Aquarius at 9am. This Moon will pass over Pluto, then sit between Pluto and Mercury around noon.
This could be a potent moment. Collectively and individually, listen for sly, cunning speech. Words, especially from women, can captivate, triumph and persuade us to change our minds.
If you’ve been trying to make an impact, try the spoken and written word. The theme of sharp speech continues to the New Moon on Friday. With Mercury lit up by Pluto and in a square to Jupiter, convincing communications will reach a larger audience. Be careful of exaggerations. Remember the important details others tend to overlook.
As you take in the day’s messages, notice any deeply intuitive moments.
When the Moon reaches Pluto this morning, it could jog our memory of buried information from our subconscious minds.
If you feel confused by what you hear, and your reaction to it, take notes and pause before reacting.
Unexpected outbursts, surprises, and breakdowns continue this week. Try to keep your cool. Channel the energy towards positive change. Find the opportunities in mess.
This evening, offer a helping hand to others.
If people are suffering from their own share of shocking news, bring them good cheer. Prayers help, too.
Tomorrow (Friday), the New Moon in Aquarius arrives at 5:59pm.
What strange trip will this Aquarius season take us on?
May God Bless our Ears with Words of Cheer.
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Contemplating a career change, a relationship issue, or need clarity on the direction of your life?
Schedule an astrology reading with Clara.
A light on your path…
Thursday 8 February 2024
Moon Sextile transit Neptune at 02:30am
Moon Void of Course Starts at 02:53am
Moon Conjunct transit Mars at 02:53am
Sun Square transit Uranus at 05:46am
Moon enters Aquarius at 09:00am
Moon Conjunct transit Pluto at 09:57am
Moon's North Node Opposition transit Moon's South Node at 1:06pm
Moon Conjunct transit Mercury at 6:25pm
Moon leaves out of bounds at 6:36pm
Friday 9 February 2024
Moon Sextile transit Chiron at 11:06am
Moon Trine transit Moon's South Node at 12:27pm
Moon Sextile transit Moon's North Node at 12:27pm
Moon Square transit Uranus at 3:36pm
New Moon at 5:59pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 5:59pm
Sun Conjunct transit Moon at 5:59pm
Super Moon at 5:59pm
Beautiful! Venus also conjunct 4 of my natal asteroids (i have 7 in Capricorn no planets - thanks to Jessica Adams education)and today my BFFs birthday (from college years) arrives tomorrow for the weekend of the new moon!)! Love this guidance so much!