Daily Light - Thursday February 15, 2024
It’s a sign! Today’s Astrology Forecast
Look for signs today. The world is communicating in many ways. It could be aggressive or cutting words with the charged up Pluto and Mars energy, or it could be imagery and synchronicity, with electric Aquarian energy swirling with intuitive Neptune in Pisces.
What shows up from the past? What encourages the future? Reconcile the forward path with the words and symbols that show up for you today.
This afternoon, turn into your own inner workings and projects to avoid emotional and mental clashes. The steady Taurus Moon squares with sharp Mercury in Aquarius. Reserve your opinions and simply observe.
Moody people, uncomfortable with their current situation, could disrupt harmony. Give them space to work it out. Give yourself space, too.
This evening, be open to unique interactions and off the wall conversations. Aquarians can be strange, but this strange energy could be the answer to breaking free from the stifling past.
These next few days:
As Venus in Capricorn begins her path towards Pluto, romantic feelings take on an intensity and obsession. Mars has already crossed over to Aquarius, and he and cannot wait to finally re-unite with Venus on the 22nd. There is a building anticipation in the air. Lean into Pallas, the asteroid of pattern recognition, to help steady plans. Pay attention to how people and markets work. Use this data to optimize long-term success in love and money relationships.
May God send you just the right information today.
🌅 Schedule an astrology reading with Clara.