The Moon reached it’s fullness at 9:26pm last night. This was a culmination point. We see the results of what was built this past lunar cycle come to an end. Now, we rest today, as we conclude the happenings of this Full Blue Moon and prepare for the next cycle—the New Moon in Virgo on September 15th.
This morning we have a fun and friendly Moon Sextile Jupiter. The desire to be around people is felt. Meet new friends today.
The moon goes void of course at 3:29pm when it makes it’s opposition to Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. This sensitive Pisces moon opposing critical Virgo could be challenging. Use the Full Moon off it’s course to reflect. Be wary of hurt feelings due to cutting comments and hard to face facts. Keep to yourself, get your tasks done, and go easy on criticisms.
Tonight, Moon Sextile Uranus at 10:20pm offers unique opportunities. New people or new ways of doing things are available. Use your intuition for creative solutions.
Tomorrow, the moon enters Aries. We shake off this Full Moon and all of it’s drama as we march forward towards our inner desires.
Looking Ahead
Sunday September 3, 2023: Venus goes direct, but still in shadow.
Things have been reviewed and recharged during retrograde. We start to see a forward motion in all things beauty and love related. What’s new out there?
Venus leaves her shadow Oct. 7/8th. That’s the day to really see things move on.
Monday September 4, 2023: Jupiter enters Retrograde
This is a good time to go back over positive things in your life that developed, but need some tweaking. A product launch, friendship or travel opportunity could need a once-over to make it a more substantial blessing.
All my best-
I apologize for not posting a forecast yesterday. We had our own Uranus retrograde curveball— our RV battery glitched out—right after we got the RV stuck in a ditch! We were of course out in the middle of nowhere, near a state forest by the lake.
In Mercury retrograde style, there was zero cell phone service. If I walked a bit, I could get a dot of service enough to find out that some tow truck companies in small towns don’t have big enough trucks to haul dead RV’s. Anyone we could find was a couple of hours away.
A very hot, long 24 hours trying to jumpstart a dead battery that refused to come back to life, place phone calls for tow trucks that didn’t want to come or couldn’t find us, and finally getting it hauled an hour to someone who could actually work on our RV.
We slept in the forest under the building Full Moon, spent an entire day getting things resolved, and watched the moon reach it’s fullness at the hotel pool while we swam off a long 24 hours!
Ironic, we took a long trip to avoid the hurricane coming our way, and the aftermath of no electricity for weeks, to find ourselves with no power or cell service anyway.
Sometimes you are just meant for certain trails. Of course, we couldn’t have broken down in a more beautiful place. That’s Jupiter helping with Uranus retrograde.
All in all, an intense Uranus Retrograde, Full Moon moment—with transit South Node hitting my 9th house - loss through long distance travel!
Blessings, still, abound.
31 August 2023
Moon Sextile transit Jupiter at 10:25am
Moon Void of Course Starts at 3:29pm
Moon Opposition transit Mercury at 3:29pm
Moon Sextile transit Uranus at 10:20pm
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