Good morning! I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing Saturday.
This morning, the Cancer Moon is in it’s final degrees. It makes an opposition to transformative Pluto at 8:48am. Deep feelings, obsessions and secrets could put pressure on our home life. What areas of your life are being transformed? Where is the pain and pressure? How does this feel emotionally?
At 12:36pm, the Moon enters fiery Leo. We are in a dark phase of the Moon as we prepare for the New Moon in Virgo on the 14th.
A dark moon in Leo could help us contemplate the retrograde cycle we just had of Venus in Leo. What relationships are we drawing away from, as we prepare for the new? What lessons have we learned about our confidence, ego and heart? There could be some sad feelings as we face endings. Changes are good, but the process to get there involves some dark moments.
With two outer planets in Pisces, many couples and families are dealing with substance abuse issues and addiction. Today is one of those days where the pain is felt from people not able to function properly in relationships.
The resolve to move on is given when the loneliness and disconnection from the Moon in a Quincunx to Saturn this evening. Sometimes, there are responsibilities in the way of intimacy. Patience and understanding is required. However, be careful of neglect. Show those in your life you still care, and let loved ones know you still need their affection—even if they are busy. Is being alone becoming easier than the emotional emptiness of this relationship?
Retrograde season has us all re-thinking our future. So much of what we want and where we are going is unclear right now. Things should begin to take better form at the end of this week. We have a New Moon on Thursday September 14th, heralding in new beginnings. Mercury goes direct the next day, on Friday September 15th.
After that, things really begin to rush forward.
Below is a list of the upcoming transits. Take note in October—Pluto goes direct, Venus is out of shadow, we have an eclipse on October 14th, and many planets change signs. These changes in motion, ingresses into new signs and the big eclipse that stripes across the USA will have major impacts. If things feel stale today, enjoy the rest and contemplation. October should be a whole new storyline.
Sunday 10 September 2023
Moon Opposition transit Pluto at 08:48am
Moon enters Leo at 12:36pm
Moon Quincunx transit Saturn at 6:09pm
Balsamic Moon at 6:34pm
Upcoming Transits
Sep 14 9:40 PM New Moon in Virgo 21 Virgo 59'
Sep 15 4:21 PM Mercury Direct Mer 8 Vir 00'D
Sep 22 3:32 PM First Quarter Moon 29 Sag 32'
Sep 23 2:50 AM Sun enters Libra Sun 00 Lib 00'
Sep 29 5:57 AM Full Moon in Aries 6 Ari 01'
Oct 4 8:08 PM Mercury enters Libra Mer 00 Lib 00'
Oct 6 9:47 AM Last Quarter Moon 13 Can 03'
Oct 8 9:10 PM Venus enters Virgo Ven 00 Vir 00'
Oct 10 9:09 PM Pluto Direct Plu 27 Cap 53'D
Oct 12 12:04 AM Mars enters Scorpio Mar 00 Sco 00'
**Oct 14 1:55 PM New Moon SOLAR Eclipse (Annular) in Libra 21 Lib 07'**
Oct 16 11:10 AM Jupiter quintile Saturn Jup 12 Tau 49'Rx
Sat 0 Pis 49'Rx
Oct 17 9:27 AM Juno enters Virgo Jun 00 Vir 00'
Oct 21 11:29 PM First Quarter Moon 28 Cap 28'
Oct 22 2:49 AM Mercury enters Scorpio Mer 00 Sco 00'
Oct 23 12:21 PM Sun enters Scorpio Sun 00 Sco 00'
**Oct 28 4:24 PM Full Moon LUNAR Eclipse in Taurus 5 Tau 09'**
Nov 2 9:52 PM Vesta Retrograde Ves 7 Can 30'Rx
Nov 4 3:02 AM Saturn Direct 0 Pis 31'D
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