A good work flow today helps us take care of tasks and details at home. Thanks to a grand trine in earth signs, we get a sigh of relief from the excessive tension being brought by the continued quincunx and opposition energy we’ve felt now for over a week.
This morning, at 9:15am, the Moon in Capricorn makes a sextile to Saturn in Pisces. The mood is responsible and dependable. Taking care of family and community works well today.
Try to calm the tension this morning at 11:35am when the Sun makes a Quincunx with the moon. We’ve felt Quincunx energy a lot recently. It has a clunky feel to it. For example, with the Sun in Leo, you want to go out and shine. But, the Moon in Capricorn wants work, responsibility and a steadier pace. Find a way to balance things out.
Before the grand trine in earth signs becomes exact between the Capricorn Moon, Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus this evening, the tasks you choose to complete could be boosted by optimism. Venus makes a Quincunx to Neptune today at 12:25pm. Venus is the planet of love and romance. It also rules money. Neptune is a spiritual, but sometimes fantasy-ridden planet. With both of these planets currently retrograde, it is a good time to re-consider, re-think and re-imagine what you want in regards to relationships. Just be sure you are grounded in some level of reality. Any people or options you consider should be available and realistic.
This evening, the grand trine in earth signs tightens up when the Moon meets with Mars and Jupiter. Gardening, taking care of chores in preparation for the week, and repairing things that have been broken around the house will feel good—positive flow to put things to rights.
This week, the Sun is beginning it’s square to Jupiter. You can feel confident, optimistic and hard working with this transit. The downside is being overly-optimistic. Only take on what you can handle. What do you have the time and energy to accomplish?
Sunday 30 July 2023
Moon Sextile transit Saturn at 09:15am
Sun Quincunx transit Moon at 11:35am
Venus Quincunx transit Neptune at 12:25pm
Moon Trine transit Mars at 8:18pm
Moon Trine transit Jupiter at 9:51pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 9:51pm
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