Daily Light - Saturday September 30, 2023
Patterns - Today's Astrology Chart and Forecast
Now that the Full Moon in Aries has hit, we start gearing up for the double eclipses on the calendar for October. Today gives us a taste of a faster moving month with a lot of aspects, even with a wide swath of time where the Moon is Void of Course.
Last night/early this morning, the Moon made an exact conjunction to Chiron in retrograde at 1:45am. This may stir up some fears of the future as we feel the emotional PTSD of our recent battle scars.
The asteroid Pallas, which helps us intellectualize patterns, makes an exact conjunction with the Sun today at 7 degrees Libra. You’ve likely been noticing patterns around you in your life and in the world at large. Noticing patterns, and feeling our wounds from the Chiron Moon conjunction, is causing us all to look around and make connections. Noticing how this world works and seeing the writing on the wall can be downright frightening. How are we to continue, knowing how deep the evil in this world goes? How are we going to conquer the upcoming 7 months ahead of difficult transits?
There is plenty of time to contemplate this, when the Moon goes Void of Course yet again, from 10:09am until 7:50pm.
Before the Moon goes Void of Course, it makes a trine to Venus in Leo. Use the downtime during the Void of Course Moon to enjoy some loving energy. Make it a romantic afternoon with loved ones. Cherish and nourish what you already have in your life.
New relationships, however, aren’t favored now. “Nothing will come of it” is the Moon Void of Course term to remember. The recent Full Moon blots out this possibility anyway, but the Void Moon makes it an even less auspicious time to begin new things. Catch up on low-level, daily tasks. Pray, meditate and contemplate.
Before the Moon goes off course, we have Mars in Libra opposing the Aries Moon at 8:20am. We just saw the Sun in Libra in opposition to this Moon in Aries. Now, the Moon is opposite Mars. If you felt pulled in two directions yesterday, now you may feel irritated. Mars wants action. However, Mars is in it’s detriment in Libra. Action isn’t going to win over Aries’ fast and furious emotions. Be careful of battles that don’t need to be fought. Go for a hike and work off the energy. Allow yourself some alone time to chill things out.
The Moon makes a quincunx to Mercury at this same time. Data coming at you could sharpen the bad mood—or bring in a brilliant idea you aren’t ready for yet. What are people really trying to tell you? What does your intuition say? Use Pallas to notice the patterns, Mercury in Virgo to catch the small details, and the Moon in Aries to intuitively use this information to be more formidable and independent.
Even with the Moon Void, the Nodes are giving us vibes of the past and the future, when they shift into direct motion for the next couple of days. The Aries Moon joins the North Lunar Node and opposes the South Lunar Node, shoring up our emotions to go after our desires.
Something I forgot to mention in my forecast yesterday—Mercury left it’s shadow shortly after the Full Moon became exact.
Today, Mercury makes an exact trine to Uranus. Now, we have Uranus in Retrograde and Mercury direct. How do we process the information internally from all of the sudden surprises Uranus has dropped on us the past few weeks? In what ways do we need to be more unique in our spoken word, conversations and writing?
Something you might notice this weekend with this trine are new communication styles and mediums being favored. We have Elon Musk live streaming on the border, Roseanne Barr putting out a new show on X, and astrology making a huge splash everywhere—including ESPN. People want information that is fast, fun, and different. Mercury is finally picking up the pace, delivering information in detailed, precise ways.
The Moon gets back on track at 7:50pm with a difficult square to Pluto. This is power struggles and controlling family members, all the way. On the plus side, this transit is great for powering through bad habits and dealing with buried secrets.
The day wraps up with the Moon entering Taurus, for earthy stability. The next couple of days, the Moon will aspect Jupiter and Uranus in retrograde. Expansive thoughts and unique ideas get a re-visit.
Solidify ideas into reality, when the Moon is in Sextile to Saturn at 11:46pm. Commitment and loyalty are strong at home tonight.
Until tomorrow!
Blessings -
Saturday 30 September 2023
Moon Conjunct transit Chiron at 01:45am
Moon Opposition transit Mars at 08:20am
Moon Quincunx transit Mercury at 08:37am
Moon Void of Course Starts at 10:09am
Moon Trine transit Venus at 10:09am
Moon's South Node Stationary Direct at 12:48pm
Moon's North Node Stationary Direct at 12:48pm
Moon Conjunct transit Moon's North Node at 12:49pm
Moon Opposition transit Moon's South Node at 12:49pm
Mercury Trine transit Uranus at 12:56pm
Moon Square transit Pluto at 7:50pm
Moon enters Taurus at 9:18pm
Moon Sextile transit Saturn at 11:46pm
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