Daily Light - Saturday January 6, 2024
Making Peace with the Current Path - Today's Astrology Forecast
Last night and this afternoon, Chiron aspects have us thinking about healing our issues. Or, we show others how life can go on, even with a hole in our hearts. As the transit North Node in Aries moves closer to Chiron, it becomes clear we must be strong, regardless of our old pains, if we expect to grow and move forward.
Thankfully, we have a bright spot midday, with the Capricorn Sun and Scorpio Moon in a happy sextile to one another. Rocky feelings smooth out, and we feel at peace with others. A relaxing afternoon is possible, as the Moon sails Void of Course until tomorrow.
Another option—use the void moon to catch up on mundane tasks that need attention.
Disruptions to our mood can be frustrating this evening. The Moon is in a dark phase, and the desire to run away from problems is strong. However, snap decisions and escapes won’t work. Find a way to stimulate the mind. Visualize future changes, knowing today is not the time to go wild. Patience. With focused prayer, we might get a flash of the future. All in good time!
Tomorrow, pour your yearnings into prayer. The energy flows towards spiritual pursuits. This can help strengthen moods against the dark balsamic moon.
May God heal hearts and bless these hours.
All my best!
6 January 2024
Sun Square transit Chiron at 03:36am
Moon leaves the Via Combusta at 12:25pm
Moon Quincunx transit Chiron at 1:22pm
Sun Sextile transit Moon at 2:13pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 2:13pm
Moon Opposition transit Uranus at 8:25pm
Moon Quincunx transit Moon's North Node at 11:26pm
7 January 2024
Moon Trine transit Neptune at 07:21am
Moon Sextile transit Pluto at 3:22pm
Moon enters Sagittarius at 4:09pm
Moon enters out of bounds at 5:20pm
Balsamic Moon at 8:10pm
Moon Square transit Saturn at 11:11pm
I love the way you guide us through the cosmic energies. You offer balanced insights into the potentials of each day, both highs and lows. Your voice lends a lightness even to the tougher energies and the truths we must face to make peace with our shadows. Thank you for shining light into our days.