Daily Light - Saturday January 13, 2024
Family Time and New Things - Today's Astrology Forecast
Happy Saturday! The Moon in Aquarius is Void of Course all day, offering peaceful time to tend to our plans. Check off the to-do list. Things flow more easily when the Moon is not making big, emotional aspects.
Spending time with family and friends will feel like just the thing. Be open to social engagements. Relationships started now will have the blessing of the New Moon and some positive long-term aspects. Venus aspecting the nodes indicates karmic opportunities with others.
Find a different path this afternoon to shake off any restlessness. The Moon in Aquarius in Square to Uranus craves something less boring! Moodiness may result if something bright and exciting doesn’t appear. Make it happen!
Mercury, still in shadow until January 21st, re-enters Capricorn tonight at 9:50am. Whatever got started in December is now ready for another look. Pick back up those neglected contracts.
The Moon enters Pisces at 10:29pm, in a sextile to Mercury. Intuition and a higher purpose enter the conversation. Be a shoulder to cry on, or find someone to listen. Caring yet practical advice abounds.
Tomorrow is Sun Day, and we feel the strength of the crescent Moon emerge. This is the time to lay solid foundations for new endeavors. The Pisces Moon makes beautiful aspects, and Venus finally gets back in the game, adding beauty and love to our futures.
May God Bless you all!
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💕 Love. 💰 Money. 🌎 Relocation. 🧒 👧 Parent-Child Relationships. 💼 Career.
Know Thyself.
13 January 2024
Moon Sextile transit Venus at 02:32am
Moon Void of Course Starts at 02:32am
Moon Square transit Uranus at 04:59am
Moon Trine transit Moon's South Node at 06:04am
Moon Sextile transit Moon's North Node at 06:04am
**Mercury enters Capricorn at 9:50**pm
Moon enters Pisces at 10:29pm
Moon Sextile transit Mercury at 10:32pm
14 January 2024
Moon Conjunct transit Saturn at 05:50am
**Venus Quincunx transit Uranus at 08:03am
Moon Sextile transit Jupiter at 08:08am
Moon Sextile transit Mars at 10:41am
**Crescent Moon at 1:14pm
**Venus Sextile transit Moon's South Node at 5:48pm
**Venus Trine transit Moon's North Node at 5:48pm