A contentious morning is brewing, with Moon in it’s last degrees of Sagittarius, and Mars at 29 Virgo. Be careful with anger, when what you want to do meets with a block. Important tasks may snap you out of the fun times you planned. Today’s astrology is warning us to get the hard work done while we can.
With Uranus slowing way down in preparation for it’s retrograde, there is a shifting of gears. An example of this would be living in the path of a storm. In Florida, there is a storm is building in the Gulf right now. Instead of going about your weekend, Floridians are slamming the brakes on their personal plans to prepare for a possibly dangerous hurricane.
Heads up, Florida and Coastal Regions:
I do believe this building storm will be stronger and more intense then they are currently predicting. This is due to Uranus stationing retrograde on Monday, as we build to a Full Blue Moon on Thursday. The storm should hit between these two events, with 6 planets in retrograde as well. Please, give Floridians a heads up to be prepared and make their plans now. Uranus rules natural disasters. When Uranus stations direct, major, impactful, and unpredictable events can take place.
The Moon goes Void of Course at 7:56am during this square to Mars. Don’t expect a party. Get to work on responsibilities. Mars squaring the Moon this morning brings even more urgency to the Sun, Saturn opposition we’ve felt all week. Now, the deadlines are due. I know it’s Saturday, but this is the ideal time to get to work.
Make today count. This upcoming week is shaping up to be very intense.
Hard work gets a helping hand when the Moon enters Saturn-ruled Capricorn at 9:06am. Hit the ground running. Today and tomorrow, get things done.
By Monday Morning near 7am, the Capricorn Moon joins Pluto. This is a difficult omen to bear. The fear and worry at the back of your mind hits hard right now. Yes, the storm is coming. Yes, it’s worse than they predicted. No, the warnings from Authorities won’t match the intuitive panic you now feel deep in your heart. This is the point where intense, overwhelming feelings could scatter your focus into fear.
If you are reading this, and live anywhere near a storm—literally or figuratively, make your moves today and tomorrow. By Monday morning, options are removed. Shore up your strength for whatever unexpected surprises are coming your way. Uranus stations direct at 10:39pm EST Monday evening.
This afternoon, God continues to support us in our tasks. The Sun trines the Moon. You feel in flow with your emotions. The way has been made for you to check off that to-do list. Earth sign trines help us stay grounded and efficient.
The Moon makes a sextile to Saturn at 3:39pm. Again, another supportive and practical transit. There is stability here. Caring for your family and home comes naturally. Use this Capricorn Moon and Virgo Sun, Mercury and Mars to get it all done!
Remember, be practical, not frantic. A friend taught me once that “slow is fast.” Today’s energy feels just like this. Patience, focus, hard work. This day is blessed with determined steps towards incredible progress. By Monday, frantic energy will be a huge detriment to accomplishments.
Pray and don’t worry. Tap into the guiding force helping you today. Don’t rationalize it away based on the opinion of others. Listen to what God is telling you.
Looking ahead:
Sunday, August 27, 2023: Mars enters Libra
Mars is in it’s fall position here. People will begin to say “That’s not fair.” They want justice. Expect lawsuits to feature.
Monday August 28, 2023: Uranus enters retrograde
Unexpected happenings, weird weather, and tech issues. Mercury in retrograde enhances this possibility.
Thursday August 31, 2023: Full Blue Moon in Pisces Full Moons are days to rest and recover. Not favorable for surgeries or beginning new projects. This is the second Full Moon of this month. It happens rarely—once every 2-3 years. Hence the term “Once in a Blue Moon.”
Sunday September 3, 2023: Venus goes direct, but still in shadow.
Things have been reviewed and recharged during retrograde. We start to see a forward motion in all things beauty and love related. What’s new out there?
Venus leaves her shadow Oct. 7/8th. That’s the day to really see things move on.
Saturday 26 August 2023
Moon Square transit Mars at 07:56am
Moon Void of Course Starts at 07:56am
Moon enters Capricorn at 09:06am
Sun Trine transit Moon at 2:39pm
Moon Sextile transit Saturn at 3:39pm
Looking Ahead: Mars enters Libra
The Moon is building to a Full Blue Moon on Thursday
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