The big news today is the nodal shift. The North Node leaves Taurus and arrives in Aries. The South Node leaves Scorpio and arrives in Libra.
We are moving away from a time of building and plotting and into a time of action and courage.
With Aries at the head of the dragon, what we see, taste and smell will have to do with bold action, individuality, swiftness, bluntness and initiation. No more will we placate for the greater good or hold fast to out-dated traditions of politeness. If something needs getting done or said, it had better be honest and to the point. Wishy-washy doesn’t work when the South Node is in Libra.
We have three blessings arriving to help foster in today’s nodal shift. The first is Mercury Square Jupiter at 8:49am. This gives us a positive and optimistic outlook. You can see the big picture shaping up. Just don’t get too cocky with your words, as Mercury is in Leo.
At 9:32am, the Moon in Cancer makes a Sextile to Uranus. Creative instincts, new ways of thinking, and chance encounters brighten this day.
The third blessing is the New Moon in Cancer at 2:32pm. This moon is an empty cup, ready to be filled with new opportunity. With the moon’s conjunction to the sun, fresh starts that satisfy you and your family will be given a beautiful blessing today. New ways to nurture and care for yourself and others are important to think about. Intuitive feelings are strong here. When the nodal flip happens at 3:59pm, the North Node in Aries will help you go after what you need emotionally to feel fulfilled.
This evening, the moon trines Neptune at 7:53pm, increasing sensitivity and creativity. Visualizing and meditating about the opportunities for change we have received raises the vibration. Take notes, with Mars in Virgo, to keep tracks of all the bursts of creativity this Moon Neptune trine brings.
At 11:06pm, emotions get more intense. The Moon opposes Pluto, and we are reminded of all the tension still in the air. We still have an opposition to Mars and Saturn and a Yod with Pluto, Venus and Neptune in contention. This can bring lots of worry and stress this evening. Stay focused on the blessings of today. Chance is hard, and things may never be perfect. Say some prayers to keep your head and heart focused. Focus on the blessings.
17 July 2023
Mercury Square transit Jupiter at 08:49am
Moon Sextile transit Uranus at 09:22am
Moon Void of Course Starts at 2:32pm
New Moon at 2:32pm
Sun Conjunct transit Moon at 2:32pm
Nodes switch to Aries/Libra 3:59pm
Moon Trine transit Neptune at 7:53pm
Moon Opposition transit Pluto at 11:06pm
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