Daily Light - Monday December 11, 2023
Looking Forward, Stepping Out - Today's Astrology Forecast
We awaken to the optimism of a Sagittarius Moon. With the Sun, Mars and Moon in this fire sign, we feel inspired to explore new frontiers. Even with routines and structures holding us down, the desire for the unorthodox and taboo infiltrates our body, mind, and spirit.
If feelings of frustrations overtake that of freedom, turn on some music and stretch your legs for a walk. Physical movement can push stagnant karma out, helping us bring in tomorrow’s New Moon with our blood full of fresh oxygen.
For some, the past couple of weeks have shown promising long-term commitment options. Talking out these plans gets even sweeter near 2pm.
If single, step out and enjoy a bit of flirting. You don’t know where your sweet words may take you today.
If spreading generosity is on your list this holiday season, between 4-6pm tonight will be an ideal time to bring some cheer to those in need.
Tomorrow, our minds and actions are in harmony as we prepare for the New Moon, arriving Tuesday at 6:32pm. Make plans for fresh starts!
May today bring good vibes, happy thoughts and loving words.
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Monday 11 December 2023
Moon Sextile transit Pluto at 03:58am
Moon enters Sagittarius at 06:11am
Moon Square transit Saturn at 09:14am
Mercury Sextile transit Venus at 2:17pm
Moon Quincunx transit Jupiter at 5:16pm
Tuesday 12 December 2023
Sun Quincunx transit Uranus at 01:22am
Moon Conjunct transit Mars at 05:06am
Moon Trine transit Chiron at 09:39am
Moon Quincunx transit Uranus at 5:15pm
New Moon at 6:32pm
Sun Conjunct transit Moon at 6:32pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 6:32pm
Moon Sextile transit Moon's South Node at 11:05pm
Moon Trine transit Moon's North Node at 11:05pm