The Moon has reached Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn. This is the bad omen I mentioned on Saturday’s forecast. The very last degrees of a sign often denote that it’s too late to change the outcome, and the malefic planets rule these last degrees, wreaking havoc.
Don’t let this dark energy bring you down. The Moon makes a Sextile to Neptune, helping you intuitively dial into what you need to do for these tough situations in your life.
Whatever storm you are facing, remember, even during the bad stuff coming at you, God is protecting you. Pray as you finish your preparations for whatever life is throwing your way.
It was just made known that this hurricane I’ve been warning about is now officially a major hurricane and will have a huge storm surge.
We had a Category 5 Hurricane go right through our town in a direct hit last year. We blessed the house with protection prayers and holy water. We lost some trees, but they fell away from the house. We didn’t even lose a screen on our pool cage. It was pretty miraculous, given the intensity of the storm.
Spiritual protection works in time like these. Whatever your beliefs, find your own way of using spiritual protection in your life. It works!
At 10:32am, the Moon enters Aquarius. Use this air energy to think about big ideas and big actions. It makes a beautiful trine to Mars in Libra at zero degrees. What fresh starts would you like to make?
The best time to begin something new is a day or two after a new moon. The next new Moon is September 15, 2023, in two weeks.
With Mars in Libra, ruled by Venus, and the New moon in health oriented Virgo on Sept. 15th, goals that support your health and your looks will be supported with these placements.
Venus goes direct on Sunday September 3rd, right before midnight. Start the research and prep stages. Then, use the days after the next New Moon on September 15th in Virgo to begin those new health and beauty related things. Venus leaves her shadow on October 7th. After this point, expect a flood of beautiful art, music and romance to enter the scene. Begin thinking about this stuff today. Make appointments for hair, cosmetics and shopping for after Venus leaves her shadow.
The sun makes a quincunx to the moon near 7pm. Feelings are odd. There is a slight anxiety in the air. It’s a fitting precursor to the Uranus retrograde this evening.
Uranus stations retrograde at 10:39pmEST. Expect the unexpected! Uranus rules electricity, natural disasters and surprises. You may see new people unexpectedly enter or leave your life during a Uranus station—especially as we build to the Full Moon in Pisces near midnight Thursday.
We still have the Saturn in Pisces opposing the Virgo sun in the sky, driving us to get things done. Otherwise, we have a beautiful kite formation in the sky, lifting us up.
God bless.
PS I forgot I am in a different time zone today. If this forecast is arriving late for you, it’s because I took my own advice and left the path of the hurricane and entered the Central time zone. I forgot this morning that I am now an hour behind my usual time. Peace!
Monday 28 August 2023
Moon Sextile transit Neptune at 05:29am
Moon Conjunct transit Pluto at 07:49am
Moon enters Aquarius at 10:32am
Moon Trine transit Mars at 11:40am
Sun Quincunx transit Moon at 7:09pm
Uranus Stationary Retrograde at 10:39pm
Thursday August 31, 2023: Full Blue Moon in Pisces Full Moons are days to rest and recover. Not favorable for surgeries or beginning new projects. This is the second Full Moon of this month. It happens rarely—once every 2-3 years. Hence the term “Once in a Blue Moon.”
Sunday September 3, 2023: Venus goes direct, but still in shadow.
Things have been reviewed and recharged during retrograde. We start to see a forward motion in all things beauty and love related. What’s new out there?
Venus leaves her shadow Oct. 7/8th. That’s the day to really see things move on.
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