There is a lot of electrifying, intense and deep energy in the air today. Carve out some time this afternoon for yourself. Don’t get swept up in emotionally draining information overload. Reflect and stay focused. Today is a “one step at a time” kind of day.
Very early this morning, there is a compulsive energy in the air. Moon is in a quincunx to Uranus. This can disrupt sleep. The need for liberation and change from current circumstances could result in anxiety and moodiness.
We have big Uranian energy in the sky right now with multiple aspects from Uranus to the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Pluto and Neptune. Be open to changes and sudden news. Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious. Pray and take notes on what you feel uneasy about.
Practice transforming these difficult energies into positive forces in your life. If you meditate, pray, exercise (carefully), or take actionable steps on your goals, this can be a helpful, driving influence. Be careful of disjointed emotions that can cause clumsiness.
I mentioned yesterday’s Yod formation and how it chipping away at our confidence levels. You can read that HERE.
As things begin to take shape, retrograde in Uranus could provide even more sudden change. Uranus stations direct next Monday August 28, 2023. Use this time to make any preparations.
Uranus often plays a role in natural disasters and war. This doesn’t mean it will come to your doorstep. However, this is a good time of year to make preparations for tropical storms, winter freezes, and power outages. Whatever you usually tend to for your climate, make sure those things are getting done while you can.
Mercury goes Retrograde on Wednesday the 23rd. Back up computer data. Consider solar chargers, backup cables, etc.
The Lunar Nodes, which typically travel in a retrograde pattern, are stationary direct, or appearing to move forward today through Thursday the 24th. This can sometimes indicate a sudden event. With this movement, and the Uranus aspects, I would be cautious. Pay attention to your surroundings.
The Moon is with the South Node at lunch time. This is a sensitive spot. When the Moon conjuncts the South Node, it is not the time to begin new projects or commit to anything important.
The Moon makes a square to Pluto before going void of course. There is an intensity in the air today. Deep feelings, destructive behaviors and manipulation could be an issue. Make a getaway from the negativity.
Use the nodal Moon aspect and the Moon void of course at 4:20pm, to take a break. This afternoon is the time to recharge yourself. Dump social media, spend time in nature and disconnect from the stress and worry for a moment. Be selective on what put in your body. Show cation around bodies of water.
Things cheer up considerably as we approach 5pm with the Sun in Sextile to the Moon. Warmth and harmony help the struggles we are facing.
At 6:47pm, Mars Quincunx the Moon’s North Node shows us where we have conflict between emotions and actions. Plans are getting blocked. What needs to be figured out physically that isn’t making sense? If you want to buy or sell, this evening is not the best time.
The moon enter Scorpio this evening at 7:22pm. If you are up late on the West Coast, the trine to Saturn in Pisces from the Moon gives a chance to clean up your act. Elder family members could help with relationship advice. Get help, if needed, from wise people.
Keep things on the positive vibe.
21 August 2023
Moon Quincunx transit Uranus at 05:47am
Moon's South Node Stationary Direct at 12:22pm
Moon's North Node Stationary Direct at 12:22pm
Moon Opposition transit Moon's North Node at 12:23pm
Moon Conjunct transit Moon's South Node at 12:23pm
Moon Quincunx transit Neptune at 1:34pm
Sun Quincunx transit Pluto at 2:08pm
Moon Square transit Pluto at 4:20pm
Moon Void of Course Starts at 4:31pm
Sun Sextile transit Moon at 4:31pm
Mars Quincunx transit Moon's North Node at 6:47pm
Moon enters Scorpio at 7:22pm
Retrograde Season….
Looking ahead, we have a number of planets entering retrograde.
Keep an eye on these two areas:
Wednesday, Aug 23 3:59 PM Mercury Retrograde Mer 21 Vir 51'Rx
Monday, Aug 28 10:39 PM Uranus Retrograde Ura 23 Tau 05'Rx
Mercury Retrograde: We likely already feel the communication glitches, errors and breakdowns from the Mercury retrograde. Be patient. Double check details. Back up any data in case of an outage.
Uranus Retrograde: Uranus rules the unexpected, natural disasters and electricity. If you live in a hurricane zone, be sure your generators are ready. Check emergency supplies. Put thermometers in your freezers and fridges to monitor their efficency in case of a power outage. Don’t forget the basics—like a can opener that doesn’t require electricity.
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