Daily Light - Friday September 28, 2023
Full Moon Rest Day - Today’s Astrology Forecast
The Aries Full Moon has arrived by 5:58am EST. This Super Full Moon seems off a bit. Typically, Full Moons are a culminating energy. With 5 planets in retrograde, the Moon Void of Course quite a bit this past week, and Mars—one of the few planets not in retrograde with the South Node—there haven’t been many big projects to conclude.
More than anything, this Full Moon feels like resolve. We’ve had some time experiencing stale energy. Many of us feel stuck. We know what we don’t want. Now we lay this contemplative month down and prepare for eclipse season to rock us with new story lines and experiences.
Full Moon days are rest days, and today is no different. The Moon is not making any aspects for the remainder of the day. If you can take some time to rest, do it.
We have 7 days of Full Moon energy, charging us up in the following areas:
Aries and Libra - self and partnerships
Taurus and Scorpio - subconscious mind and health
Gemini and Sagittarius - friendships and groups and creative passions and children
Cancer and Capricorn - career and home life
Leo and Aquarius - studies, religion and day to day communications
Virgo and Pisces - money, self worth and sex
Venus is making her final square to Uranus of this Venus retrograde/direct cycle. For this pass, Venus is direct and Uranus is retrograde, changing places in their motion.
Use today to contemplate and internalize the sudden, off the wall changes that occurred in your life, loves and looks. What changes would you like to see, as we continue forward? What ways have blasts from the past and rethinking of relationships changed your life?
Venus and Mars came close recently, but never made an exact conjunction in Leo; now they just miss each other in an exact Sextile.
Does your love life resemble this missed connection?
Make an effort to make the most of the 1 degree difference of Venus and Mars in Sextile today. Pay attention to what might be off or not fitting exactly. In February of 2024, we will finally see Venus and Mars meeting up.
Enjoy your rest day!
- Clara
Friday 29 September 2023
Sun Opposition transit Moon at 05:58am
Super Moon at 05:58am
Full Moon at 05:58am
Venus Square transit Uranus at 1:53pm
Saturday 30 September 2023
Moon Conjunct transit Chiron at 01:45am
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