Happy September! The Full Moon has passed, and now we have situations to handle after as full Moon and Uranus have stationed retrograde. Thankfully, today’s energy can help us do just that.
Early birds have a crack at renewal this morning with the Moon in Pisces in Sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Get to the root of the problem. Whether it is household repairs, bad emotional habits, or a deeper connection with someone, this transit helps us get to the bottom of things.
The Moon enters powerful Aries this morning at 9:25am. If you needed a push to take action and get things done, fiery Aries is here to help. Those Virgo-inspired exercise routines can get checked of the list today!
Watch for flared tempers, especially around 2:50pm, when this Aries Moon makes an opposition to Mars in Libra. Feelings of annoyance creep up, and it feels harder to let things go. Multiple planets in retrograde have a way of causing irritation, anyway, with confusion and delays. Avoid arguments. Don’t yell at the customer service representative.
Instead, take this aspect to a higher octave—competitive sports, and fighting for the underdog in any social justice situation can help burn off some of this excess fire. Go for a run and get some fresh air.
Today, Mars in Libra makes an exact Quincunx to Saturn in Pisces. This can be positive in focusing actions towards responsibilities. It can also be a bit clunky and emotionally irritating. Channel this oddness with patience an stamina. Healthy competition could be good here as well.
If the Uranus retrograde caused any issues in your life this week, these next couple of weeks we work through a quincunx with the South Node. Coming to terms with changes and losses from these surprises is an underlying issue to work through. With time, it will iron itself out. Hang in there.
All my best-
Looking Ahead
Sunday September 3, 2023: Venus goes direct, but still in shadow.
Things have been reviewed and recharged during retrograde. We start to see a forward motion in all things beauty and love related. What’s new out there?
Venus leaves her shadow Oct. 7/8th. That’s the day to really see things move on.
Monday September 4, 2023: Jupiter enters Retrograde
This is a good time to go back over positive things in your life that developed, but need some tweaking. A product launch, friendship or travel opportunity could need a once-over to make it a more substantial blessing.
September Transits
Sep 3 9:20 PM Venus Direct Ven 12 Leo 13'D
Sep 4 10:11 AM Jupiter Retrograde Jup 15 Tau 35'Rx
Sep 6 6:21 PM Last Quarter Moon 14 Gem 04'
Sep 13 12:35 PM Pallas enters Libra Pal 00 Lib 00'
Sep 13 7:22 PM Vesta enters Cancer Ves 00 Can 00'
Sep 14 9:40 PM New Moon in Virgo 21 Virgo 59'
Sep 15 8:47 AM Ceres enters Scorpio Cer 00 Sco 00'
Sep 15 4:21 PM Mercury Direct Mer 8 Vir 00'D
Sep 22 3:32 PM First Quarter Moon 29 Sag 32'
Sep 23 2:50 AM Sun enters Libra Sun 00 Lib 00'
Sep 29 5:57 AM Full Moon in Aries 6 Ari 01'
1 September 2023
Moon Sextile transit Pluto at 06:36am
Moon enters Aries at 09:25pm
Moon Opposition transit Mars at 2:50pm
Mars Quincunx transit Saturn at 5:01pm
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