Daily Light - Friday February 16, 2024
Ask for what you want! Today's Astrology Forecast
Friday has the makings of a great day. Love is in the air, and it breezes in with confidence.
We get our sense of humor and youthfulness back this afternoon. Chatting and joking around breaks the intensity we’ve felt this week from the Pluto/Aquarius Stellium.
We begin the day with intuitive emotions. If you’ve been wanting to attract a partner, the Moon in sextile to Neptune, combined with Venus’ building conjunction with Pluto, puts out those white-hot vibrations.
People may fall passionately in love, or go too far. Obsessed stalker vibes are prevalent! Venus dumps Capricorn for Aquarius at 11:05am, and reaches Pluto at 3:49am. Get ready for love to get crazy and weird.
Between 9 and 11am, adjust to a touch of discomfort, as the Taurus Moon and Aquarius Sun square off. Stubborn energy feels adverse to change. Wait until the day matures.
This afternoon, the Mercury-ruled Moon in Gemini arrives, smoothing things over. This moon makes a trine to the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, and Mars—all in Aquarius! If you haven’t been happy in your friendships, conversations today can flip that coin. Answer the call.
Mercury in a square to Uranus begs for new and innovative conversations. The Moon in Trine to Mars ups the attraction factor—and the confidence. Be brave. Introduce yourself. There are dreamy, heart shaped eyes all around, with a mysterious, passionate draw, pulling people in deep.
Is there an Aquarius in your life, drawing big attention and big feelings?
Are you that Aquarian, showing up now, with every planet boosting your Wow Factor?
Whatever today brings, make the most of it. Tomorrow’s square between Saturn and the Moon limits our opportunities. Today, make your move!
May God put us in the right place, at the right time, with the right people.
🌅 Schedule an astrology reading with Clara.
Friday 16 February 2024
Moon Sextile transit Neptune at 07:56am
Moon's South Node Stationary Retrograde at 09:54am
Moon's North Node Stationary Retrograde at 09:54am
First Quarter Moon at 10:01am
Moon Void of Course Starts at 10:01am
Sun Square transit Moon at 10:01am
Venus enters Aquarius at 11:05am
Moon enters out of bounds at 1:44am
Moon enters Gemini at 2:40am
Moon Trine transit Venus at 3:02am
Moon Trine transit Pluto at 4:12am
Moon Trine transit Mars at 7:56am
Mercury Square transit Uranus at 10:53am
17 February 2024
Venus Conjunct transit Pluto at 03:49am
Moon Square transit Saturn at 05:57am
Moon Sextile transit Chiron at9:18pm
Moon Sextile transit Moon's North Node at 9:42pm
Moon Trine transit Moon's South Node at 9:42pm
Well... I shall chime in later if the trip to the gym today makes for entertaining conversation. 😅
Sounds like an exciting day! Thank you for sharing!